RPS 205 will compete in fundraising for the Golden Apple Foundation. We'll have guest bartenders @ Ernie's Midtown Pub, 1025 Fifth Ave., on Wed., July 17 from 4-7 p.m. There will be featured food & drink specials & special tip jars. See how well educators can shake things up!
Congressman Eric Sorensen visited Constance Lane Elementary to announce $1 Million he secured to replace the century-old 8th Avenue bridge over Keith Creek. Neighborhood students will be able to travel to school safely once the bridge is rebuilt thanks to this federal funding.
Celebrate Rockford Football coach, Rick Schmitz, at the RPS 205 Athletic Hall of Fame on July 28th! To learn more about the inductees or to purchase tickets, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rps-205-athletics-hall-of-fame-tickets-882187154527?aff=oddtdtcreator
The Rockford Area Arts Council, City of Rockford, & RPS 205 celebrated the completion of the mosaic mural at Lewis Lemon Elementary. Artist Susan Burton created her installation of "Lewis Lemon's School of Fish". Susan worked with staff & students earlier this year on the art.